
CADIC Transfer Partner in Scotland

Sitekit Solutions Ltd

Sitekit is located in the Isle of Skye. Within the Creative Industries sector, Sitekit specializes in Software Development , Design, Social Networking. Services offered by Sitekit include: Public health communication through website portal design, development, hosting of Sitekit CMS.

Cluster Experience

Extensive collaboration – necessitated by remote HQ – Isle of Skye.

  • Sitekit Business Partner Program – subcontractors & distributors, marketing, design, communications agencies.
  • R&D Web Science innovators through Sitekit Labs R&D network
  • Local Entrepreneur Support network (Fusion)

  • Expectations from CADIC

    The cluster of networks we have built in the last 10 years needs to be radically rebuilt in the next 2 years - due to restructuring of our core market in healthcare ie the NHS in England.

    The Hope:
    CADIC to provide structure and focus for effective cluster management promoting business strategy

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