
CADIC Expert Advisory Group

The CADIC expert advisory group consists of high level experts in the field of Intellectual Capital with international reputation in the scientific community as well as practical experiences with SMEs. These experts include:

Professor Leif Edvinsson: a key pioneering contributor to both the theory and practice of Intellectual Capital. As the world’s first director of IC, in 1991 he initiated the creation of the world's first public corporate Intellectual Capital Annual Report 1994, and has inspired the development ever since on IC metrics. He is the author of numerous articles on Service Management and on Intellectual Capital, special advisor on Societal Entrepreneurship to the Swedish Governmental Foundation for Competence and Knowledge Development and Cofounder and Chairman of The New Club of Paris, focused on Knowledge Economy initiatives.

Dr.-Ing. Kay Alwert: founder and general manager of alwert GmbH & Co. KG. He was general project manager in several scientific and industrial research projects to implement Intellectual Capital (IC) systems within organisations. He finished his doctoral studies on IC management within SMEs. As a founder member and scientific coordinator of the German working group on Intellectual Capital, he was substantially responsible for the German Guideline for Intellectual Capital Statements, published and recommended by the German Ministry of Economics and Technology. He initiated and advised the EU founded research project InCaS (FP6), gives lectures and seminars for academics and practitioners and is author of several books and articles on IC (see following list). With more than 50 implemented IC-Systems in organisations of all size, he is one of the leading practitioners in IC Management. His current research topics are: the dynamic perspective of IC and relations including aspects of system dynamics, system theory, actor-network theory and path theory.

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