Case:Chile | IFIP Working Group 8.3: Decision Support Systems

Precarious decision making context 1: Chile

Enactive management: a meta-soft technology to cope with conflict situations in precarious decision making contexts.
Authors: Osvaldo García De la Cerda and María Soledad Saavedra Ulloa.


The focus of this paper is self-observation, observation of the interactions, networks and enactive management of organizational conflict situations that emerge in precarious decision making contexts. For this purpose we use an ontological meta soft technology call CLEHES© (body[] - language- emotions- history- eros- silence) applied as a tool in different groups, communities, enterprises and organizations that need and wish to develop their own skills to move conflict practice resolutions in precarious decision making contexts in order to learn as a human activity system. Conflict situations are understood as a breakdown in-between CLEHES from the individual or social standpoints. This perspective opens enactive conversations in management and learning possibilities for any kind of organization.
 Strategies are developed to cope with the domains and context in the perceived individual and human activities systems. We present a learning experience from intervention in different groups of actors belonging to the largest cluster mining in Chile situated in the second region of the country.
The precarious context is expressed by the missing conversations and silence between actors shaping groups, communities and organizations, interactions and networks as inhibitors of autonomy, enaction and collaborates for common projects and learning. The embodied pain generates paralysis, loneliness and isolated in actors because of the fear, insecurity and distrusts of uncertainty the mining resource.
The methodology and technology employed here configure an enactive ludic lab where an educational program is conducted in order to bring distinctions to the actors’ CLEHES for design networks of cooperative conversations and organizational actions program.
As a result of the actors self observation and self awareness being constitutive, they are enabled to take action in their situation, build trust through listening, by eros in their interactions and construct networks in different domains and contexts, to take care in the communities looking after the
viability of mining products and services and to solve the dilemmas that mining products generate regarding the quality of the environment and water for the communities in this area.